Let’s get to know each other

My Background

Hi, I’m Candace Sauvé — my nickname is Kiki.

I’m a neuro-somatic coach, facilitator, and writer.

That means I love exploring mental models that lead to behavior, and bringing you into the body to resolve the root of the pattern.

I’m a huge somatic nerd that loves to ask “how and why?”, especially when it comes to emotional & relational dynamics.

I come alive when diving into beliefs around self-expression, power, safety, and freedom with individuals or couples — I also thrive while teaching groups.

As a mental health expert, I have certifications in Yin Pranayama Breathwork, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Emotional Resolution (EmRes®), and Reiki. I also have training in Stanford’s Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), Sacred Sexuality (ISTA), Neo-Tantra, Internal Family Systems (IFS), and authentic relating.

I’m the Founder of Got Breathwork where I’ve led groups of breathers up to a thousand people. My mission was all about awakening consciousness at Tech companies like Salesforce, Google, Cisco, Gong, and Deloitte.

My professional history also includes executive headhunting and enterprise customers success at Fortune 100 companies and Tech Startups.

I’m pansexual and have broken free of decades of conditioning to live the life I do today! I adore teaching about Awakened Partnership alongside my co-founder, growth partner, and life partner Edmond Lau. We spent two years living nomadically in places like Hawaii, Costa Rica, Bali, and Europe during COVID. And now, we’re settled in Boulder, Colorado.

My Why...

To remind people how to access unconditional love within themselves,
so they can feel peace, fulfillment, and belonging.

My Approach

I weave together…

Leadership coaching mindsets

Emotional fluidity tools


Intuitive Movement

I’ve become a practitioner in…

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

Emotional Resolution (EmRes®)

Yin Pranayama Breathwork

Energy Healing & Reiki

I’m also trained in…

Stanford’s Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)

Sacred Sexuality (ISTA) & Neo-Tantra

Internal Family Systems (IFS)

Authentic relating


“In the corporate world, we're sometimes too lost to even realize we're lost. Candace is doing amazing work to wake us up.”

Reza G.
Security Program Manager, Google

“ Candace has a rare talent for establishing ease and making you feel comfortable. Trust happened very quickly with her. ”

Alice L.
President, Healing Advocacy Fund

“I strongly recommend these sessions for mental health.

For anyone who is looking to get some clarity in your thought process, or cleansing of your body, mind, and soul.

It’s self-appreciation and motivation to achieve the next level in your professional or personal path.”

Janani R.
Senior Architect, Salesforce